What if the Mad Men created a fantasy TV series for women?
What if the advertising minds of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce were tasked with created a fantasy television show for women? In this Funny or Die sketch, Peggy Olson tries her best to pitch a Buffy-like series to her coworkers, but they turn it into something else entirely. It’s a cute sketch, poking fun at the … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
Robosapien trailer is everything that is wrong with our world
This Robosapien trailer is a real trailer and not a Saturday Night Live sketch, despite all signs to the contrary. Producer—and heavily marketed as producer—Avi Arad’s baby (one of the many faces behind the Sony-based Marvel movies), this might be the absolute worst thing we’ve ever seen in video trailer form. And that’s before the … Continued
Would You Watch a Stream Of Pure Ads To Earn Free Streaming Movies?
Free streaming is supported by ads. It’s just a feature of the form. You see it in Spotify, Pandora, Hulu, even YouTube. But you usually don’t get the chance to separate the two and control your ad-seeing power. HitBliss is looking to change that. By signing up for the HitBliss service and offering up your … Continued
By Eric Limer -
Manned Mars mission plans include a radiation shield made of poop
Now that millionaire space tourist Dennis Tito has officially announced his intention to send a man and a woman on a round-trip journey to Mars in 2018, a few more details are trickling out about the Inspiration Mars project. One such detail is how the Inspiration Mars team plans to protect its astronauts from cosmic … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
The Last Exorcism Part II is a gruesome demon-meets-girl love story
Don’t be fooled by the trailers for The Last Exorcism Part II, the sequel to our beloved faux-documentary indie hit. This isn’t really a horror movie; The Last Exorcism: Part II is actually a sad story about a devoted demon who loves its innocent victim so deeply the creature would exhaust all of its supernatural … Continued
Hilarious webcomic story imagines the lunar colonies turned into the ultimate reality TV show
Zach Weinersmith’s Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal is always funny and thoughtful, but he’s at his sharpest when he’s spinning quick comic science fiction stories. This week, Weinersmith takes us to a moon populated entirely by winners of silly contests, and what happens when the lunar colonies are turned into a source of entertainment for folks … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
Concept Art Writing Prompt: Machine of Death Edition
We’re doing something a bit different for this week’s Concept Art Writing Prompt. In fact, it’s less a concept art prompt than a concept writing prompt. We’ll be playing Machine of Death, the game of creative assassination. David Malki! of Wondermark and Machine of Death has given us a target to kill and a handful … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
That time Star Trek: Voyager killed off the cast of The West Wing
Hidden in the episode Star Trek: Voyager “Imperfection” is the fate of the Bartlett Administration from The West Wing. As you can see, the gang met a grisly end aboard a futuristic spaceship. On a happier note, we’re excited to see that Donatella Moss has outlived the rest of the gang and is probably running … Continued
50 years of Avengers members on one minimalist poster
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth’s mightiest heroes, artist Michael Mateyko created this poster, featuring minimalist portraits of the myriad Avengers members throughout the years. He created the poster for April’s Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo, but it’s already available at Komboh’s Society6 store. Avengers 50th Anniversary poster for CCEE 2013 [Komboh via Geek … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
ABC kills Zero Hour after 3 episodes
The wackiest show on television that no one was watching, Zero Hour has been cancelled after just three episodes. No more Nazi babies and brain codes to bust; ABC has decided to pull the plug on the conspiracy theory series after Thursday’s episode only drew in about 5.1 million viewers. Non-celebrity Wife Swap and reruns … Continued
Woman’s death from a 30-year-old bullet wound ruled a homicide
In 1982, Linda J. Knauss was shot in a holdup outside a boutique in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. This past week, she passed away due to complications from that old wound. That means that 30 years after being shot, Knauss perished as the result of a homicide. Photo by Ben Brown. The Lehigh County coroner ruled Knauss’ … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
Satirical short film turns smartphone addiction into body horror
Yale loves his smartphone for the same reason he loves sex: it makes him feel connected and provides him with constant validation. But in Todd Strauss-Schulson‘s NSFW short film Valibation, Yale gets a little closer to his smartphone than he would like—and he’s going to have to re-learn how to be alone.
By Lauren Davis -
Saturday Webcomic: Ant Comic explores the trippy horrors of an insect war
In a network of tunnels beneath a great plain, there exists a race of ants nothing like the ants that exist in our world. They live in service to their nightmarish queen, but their day-to-day is filled with an ennui almost as terrifying as the monstrous spiders and centipedes they face. When one of their … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
Sam Raimi is planning to make Evil Dead 4
Just because Fede Alvarez is directing a remake of Evil Dead doesn’t mean that Sam Raimi is done with the franchise. At a press event for Oz the Great and Powerful, Raimi announced that he plans to return to his horror series with Evil Dead 4. During a Meet the Filmmakers event in London, Raimi … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
The White House shows us how to recover from a geek gaffe
President Obama attracted a bit of geek ire (mostly in the form of good-natured ribbing) when he mixed his pop culture metaphors yesterday while discussing the automatic spending cuts. But the White House showed us how to recover gracefully from a geeky gaffe: by owning the mistake and using it to turn attention back to … Continued
By Lauren Davis -
The fate of Ahsoka is revealed on the season finale of Clone Wars
This week in the world of cartoons, we find out if Ahsoka will be kicked out of the Jedi Order (or worse) on the season finale of Clone Wars, the cast of Gravity Falls find themselves in a bottomless pit, and Anthony Bourdain makes a guest appearance on Archer as a crazed celebrity chef! As … Continued
Is this the city of the future?
A century ago, we imagined futuristic cities full of hulking, steel buildings, their towers surrounded by a lace of elevated roads. But today, the future of architecture is biology. Synthetic biology architects and designers imagine cities that are made from bioengineered materials, fed by energy from sunlight. These cities sometimes look more like forests than … Continued
At last, real-life physics can justify all those fake movie explosions
Ever noticed that, in movies, the slightest tap of a bullet on a car or a helicopter will cause it to burst into flames, without the presence of an accelerant or any source of fuel? Finally there’s a physical effect that can explain why a metal bullet slamming into a metal car can cause it … Continued
Are gorillas left-handed or right-handed?
Sometimes it seems clear that scientists are just using experiments as a way to get close to cute animals. This seems particularly the case of the multiple handedness experiments that have been carried out on primates over the years. Find out which hand gorillas would write with, if they could write. Do you know a … Continued
Tim Curry to take over for Chancellor Palpatine in Clone Wars
The sad passing of the legendary Ian Abercrombie, voice of Clone Wars’ Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious, left a great disturbance in the Force. But another giant has stepped up to fill in the Emperor’s cloak. The Huffington Post is reporting that Clone Wars big boss Dave Filoni has cast Tim Curry to finish out the Emperor’s … Continued